Operations Research resources
100+ resources about Operations Research.
Everything you need to start working in this field as a Notion database that includes:
π Blogs: blogs or articles to get some inspiration
π Books: important books to start in this field
π§π»βπ» Challenges: as it happens in Machine Learning, we also have our challenges ahead
π¨βπ©βπ§βπ§ Communities: Discord, Subreddits and more
π€ Conferences & Organizations: with calendars to events
βπ» Content creators: people sharing insights in LinkedIn
π Courses: important courses that will empower yourself
π° Journals: some of the most important journals in this field
ποΈ Podcasts: conversations, interviews, etc. of relevant topics in OR
βοΈ Software: from mathematical modeling to solvers
βΆοΈ Videos: modern videos about OR in general or specific tools
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Drop me a π on Borja MenΓ©ndez.
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